Loyalty, Honor & Respect

One of the most painful things in life, besides loss of a loved one, is losing a friend or what we refer to as family of choice. The reason it is painful is because it hurts at level of deep belief. You RESPECT someone, which leads to Honoring them and breeds LOYALTY. When this is broken it hurts to the core. This happens for lots of reasons and none of them are good reasons when you look back at the loss. However, many times there is absolutely nothing you can do about it because people are involved. People choose their own destiny, friends, relationships and ultimately who they will do life. In a previous blog I wrote that people are crazy and my opinion has not changed. If you are a person who values relationships and are willing to put yourself out there you will walk through loss of friends. Please understand the term friend means different things to different people. The best description I have ever heard is from Josh Craft “ Some friends are for a season, some are for a reason and some are for a life time”. Such great wisdom and understanding. We all like to think people we put time into, money into, let them into your life and treat them as lifers will be with you forever. Wisdom says it is not true and when you have over 5 decades under your belt you have seen people come and go. It never hurts less, but what you do learn is how to mentally deal with loss and truly believe the best for the other person even if the worst has been displayed. Fall back on your core values and continue to give, serve and love! It is what makes you who you are and what brings light to others!! I have attached a video from @trentshelton that really says it well. I choose to love people, lead people, believe the best and have joy!!