Dreams Can and Do Come True!

Its 2019 and the year is off and running! Every year I reflect on the good and bad but, not long. It is time to move forward, make a plan and go accomplish it! I believe that DREAMS can and do come true! Here is what I have been telling my children at bed time since they were small. “ You can accomplish anything you want in life as long as you are willing to pay the price!” There are always some lucky people who win the lotto or inherit money but, what I have seen in life is it takes hard work, some more hard work, sprinkled with hard work and then when you think you have it rolling add in some more hard work!! At the end of the hard work rainbow is usually DREAM freedom depending on how lofty your goals might be. As I have gotten older one of the most important freedoms to me is time. Being able to control your schedule is a DREAM come true and a goal worth pursuing. Some people achieve this early in life and I was one of those but, I did not appreciate it like I do know at almost 55. I have seen allot of dreams come true and I still have dreams I want to see… Back to the hard work DREAMS are waiting!