Thankful for the Journey

The typical thanksgiving post is about all that we are thankful and I have allot to be thankful! In this post I want to step back behind the obvious to tell the back story. When I think about my family and how we got to Frisco Tx it goes back to when the Unclebach family and on my mother’s side the Whetsell’s came to America back in the early 1900’s. I have not been able to find out why they came here, but let’s assume it was for a better life like most people who leave their families and friends and venture across the ocean. We know that both families arrived around the same time and ended up in the Chicago suburbs and ended up working in the GM manufacturing industry. My parents dated in high school and married in college. She became a nurse and my Dad took the corporate route. We moved to Texas in 68 so he could be the gauze plant manager for Johnson & Johnson in Sherman. We arrived in Texas when I was 4 years old, but the critical point was when he refused to be promoted, in the late 70’s, and moved to Brunswick, NJ. We stayed in Texas!! My Mom and Dad gave their life to Christ when I was about 12 years old and we started attending church and I ultimately gave my life to Christ shorty after. That journey took us to Glad Tiding Church where I met two people who would change my life forever! My best lifelong friend @KeithCraft who showed & modeled for me what it meant to live a life for Christ and my forever lover, life mate and closest friend @Darlene Unclebach now for 34 years has made my life amazing. That brought us our two awesome children @Brittany Lashua and @Garrett Unclebach who I could not be more proud. They married two exceptional people who are now our kids @Josh Lashua and @Lindsey Karcher-Unclebach. What a journey to get to today, and that does not include what had to happen for me to meet Keith and Darlene. I could make a long list but, let me connect the dots of thankfulness.
Thankful two families traveled to America.
Thankful these two families moved to Chicago area.
Thankful my parents met in high school and married.
Thankful my parents stayed together and moved to Texas.
Thankful my Dad chose to keep the family in Texas.
Thankful my family chose to follow Jesus Christ and keep us in church.
Thankful my dad changed churches and went to Glad Tidings.
Thankful I met Keith Craft in church.
Thankful I met Darlene in church.
Thankful Darlene was willing to marry me.
Thankful our 34 year journey has created an amazing family.
Thankful for the legacy being created!
So, the list of things I could add to this to be thankful is long! However, today I wanted to think the God who cares enough about my family to orchestrate a crazy journey that started over 100 years ago and brought me to today where I am one of the most blessed people in the world! Amazing Friends, Amazing Wife, Amazing Family and Amazing legacy being created. I am crazy enough to believe this was not a coincidence, but the hand of God! I would encourage you to take a minute and think about the divine hand of God in your life too. Happy Thanksgiving!!!