Summer is Special

Summer has always been special. I remember when I was young and how much we enjoyed the last day of school and those 3 months off to do what we wanted. It use to be Memorial Day to Labor Day. We had time for adventure, go to the city pool, play baseball, make money mowing lawns, go to summer camp, summer vacation, etc. Such great memories! I still feel the same way. I truly enjoy getting our pool ready for summer and planting flowers and tropical plants. Cleaning everything up and getting ready for family pool time. It’s is our gathering spot on the weekends. We fire up the grille, eat watermelon, enjoy music and swim with the big red labs!
So… what is the point? The point is to make life what you want. Choose to make things special! We could choose to not share out time, let the yard be boring, not ask our kids over, just say we are too busy, too tired or its too much money! It does not really matter if you had a great childhood or had great parents. You are in control of your life so make the most of it! God created us to be Kingdom people, but to also create our heaven on earth. To provide a circle of love, happiness and peace for our family which is the greatest thing you do in life. What you model as normal will usually become your children’s normal.
Make summer special even if it’s only one day per week!! When your kids become adults they will still want to spend time with you because you made Summer Special!!