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Life is Short..

It’s been a few weeks since I last posted. No, its no writers block I have actually been working on finishing a book many of you know I am writing about raising children, but specifically raising a Navy Seal son. I will keep you posted as to its completion in the coming months and I am committed to its completion soon. However, yesterday as I sat in a funeral celebration of a 70 year old friend and someone I truly had admiration it was sobering to think how short life can be. It also made me think of the impact we are having on other people. Are we a blessing? Do we bring positive energy to those around us? Are we making the world a better place or just existing in it? Does our life example lead anyone to wanting to know Jesus Christ as their Savior? Are we generous? What about our legacy? Lots of questions and I could give you another 10 good ones to ask. These cannot be answered fully in a short blog post.

Here is what I can tell you. Those questions are Yes or No and you don’t have to really think about it long. If the answer is No to any of these on any level than I would tell you to take steps to change. Change is never easy but, liberating on the other side! It’s worth it for you 1st a healthy you is the starting point, your family 2nd and they will appreciate it, your friends 3rd who may think you have been kidnapped by an alien, and your extended work and society friends 4th who may think what happened? Here is what I do know it’s simply a choice to BE NICE, LOVE OTHERS without conditions, FORGIVE QUICKLY, GIVE MERCY because I can tell you there is not a person on the planet that does not want this for themselves! WHAT YOU SOW IS WHAT YOU REAP. So, the real question is what are you planting and what are you reaping in return! LIFE IS SHORT I suggest you plant a crop that will reap eternal benefits and continually help others!

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Scott Unclebach -
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author

Unashamed kingdom man who has a conservative mindset.  Loves America and the freedom it provides.  Understands that everything I have is a gift from God. 

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