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LOVE let it circle

Recently love has been the top topic in my world. I have told my adult children that in my life time I have never seen anything like the negativity and hate I see in the world. It’s obvious that the internet and smart phones have totally changed our world and how we communicate. However, why does that appear to turn on the “hate” or “lets attack” mode for people? I really don’t get why people want to be known for negativity or being a hater. They do it under the modern thought of I am just giving my opinion. I have always witnessed in my life that sugar attracts people not salt. Add to that the spiritual things I have learned over time from the bible about grace, mercy and loving others and I understand why kind words, sympathetic eyes, a nice greeting go a long way to providing happiness to others and creating friends, not enemies. I was raised if you don’t have something positive to say then you probably should not say it! I have additionally applied a process about “letting it circle” which means let that first thought circle your brain a few times before you blurt it out and today we blurt it out via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Let it circle to determine is it beneficial, does it help anyone or is it just hurtful or negative. I realize if people did this the quantity of posts would go down dramatically! Please understand I am not about censorship and I think there is time to give opinions just put them to the beneficial test and I don’t mean it just makes you feel better!

Here is my proposal. Love, “let it circle” in your brain and in your heart. Let it be the governing factor if you make a post. Love is described in many ways. Your love for your spouse, children and family are one level. Your love for close friends may be on that same level or close. Your love for society, church, school mates, work mates, is another level. Your love for country and freedom is another level. If you let love circle on any level, it will reduce the negativity and hate. Here is a great quote from Henry Drummond

“You will find as you look back on your life that the moments that stand out above everything else, are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love.”

The bottom line… the great philosophers The Beatles had it right…. All We Need is Love!

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Scott Unclebach -
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author

Unashamed kingdom man who has a conservative mindset.  Loves America and the freedom it provides.  Understands that everything I have is a gift from God. 

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