The first step is doing what is necessary..

This is such a great quote and so true. "Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible"- Francis of Assisi The first step doing what is necessary sometimes seems like the hardest step. What is necessary? For me it is the basics.
Step 1 - Be a good family member. We always with our kids asked what are you bringing to the family. I see so many people that the family life is a take, take, take situation. Parents just give, give, give and don't allow children to understand the value of money, responsibility, reality of life. Some kids don't overcome this until their 30's.
Step 2 - Lead yourself. I could right a book on this! Improve yourself, read, work out, or whatever lines up with your dream and more basically whatever lines up with your current employment. Be the best you can be! There is never a negative to learn, grow and become your best.
Step 3 - Be polite!! This seems at time to be a lost quality. Which leads back to step 1. Train your children to be polite to adults showing respect for their elders. Boys deferring to the girls, opening the car door or holding open a door for everyone to enter a building. This is referred to as being a gentlemen not being self absorbed.
Step 4 - Serve others around you! I have said based upon what I have learned during my life that the transformation of the heart begins at serving. When you do something for other people with no thought of what is in it for you the world changes!!
This is a few things that are necessary in life to get the "possible" started and you never know the "impossible" might start happening!!