Are You Followable
I read a great quote this morning that goes right along with one of my core ologies.. The quote was from Janet Denison I read her...

The Big Picture.. I Choose to be Happy!
Traveling has always been something I look forward too when it is for fun or adventure! It is amazing to think we can travel the world...

What Really Has Value?
If you ask different people you will get different answers. If you ask young people you will get specific answers based upon experience...

What is freedom? Is it just the ability to do what you want when you want, or it is really something much greater? Is it something...

All We Have is Our Health
My head is spinning right now with all the things I want to say…. All we have is our health and if you don’t believe it’s true just wait...

Squeeze the Lemon!
I recently said this to a millennial and they asked me what it meant? So, I explained that squeezing the lemon meant getting every last...

A Key to Happiness!
We have all been around people that have something negative to say about everything even though there are plenty of things to be thankful!...

What is Your Excuse Point?
This is an interesting thought process. I have often thought of this as something similar to what is your quitting point, but it is...

Always Be Humble & Kind
I am sure I am not the only one who likes Tim McGraw’s great song that says “ …always be humble and kind”. These are great lyrics and I...

Every Day Matters.
Have you ever noticed how much is going on every day. What I mean by that is stuff that matters in all of our lives or certainly seems...